I went to the doctor today to get the stitches taken out of my arm. When I got to reception, I realized that I forgot my wallet in the taxi. Something about the situation suggested that it was going to be a long evening.
I stopped a taxi to get the call center and then asked them to try to contact the driver. They told me to grab a taxi and come into the Trans Office. Luckily, I had the change that the driver had given me from my first ride to pay the second driver.
When I got there the security guard told me that the customer service was away and would be back in about 20 minutes and I should have a seat. I then called the service number again and told the operator about my problem. When I told him that I was in the lobby, he told me to come back to the call center office, which was apparently a big "Screw you" to the security guard that told me I couldn't go back there.
The operator was extremely helpful. I was fairly impressed that with knowing the time I was picked up with the location picked up and dropped off and with the amount of the fare, they were able to get the driver and call him right away. All that information is relayed to the central computer from the taxi meter.
The driver came back with the wallet and seemed overly concerned that I would think he tried to take the wallet when it had fallen to the side of the seat. I suppose that his job could've been on the line. I then gave him money for his drive to the Transport office, the ride back to the doctor's office, and a chunk of money to thank him for bringing my wallet back.
I should mention that my wallet contains my national i.d, my driver's license, a few credit cards, my bank card, my Jeep registration card and the insurance card I need to give when I go to the doctor. Considering that I'll be on a plane in 10 days, replacing everything would have been nearly impossible. Everyone at the doctor's office seemed to suggest that I was pretty lucky to get it back. I'm just happy for the help that everyone gave me.